What is mission and what are the distinctives of the church in mission? As we look at the twenty-first century church continuing the mission for which it was commissioned by its Lord, a conference designed to pick up and learn from the vision for mission of the 16th century Anabaptist movement was held at the International Baptist Theological Seminary, Prague, Czech Republic.
This book is an attempt to contribute to the conversation between Missiology and Biblical Studies. Articles in this book offer some perspectives on various aspects of witness, evangelism and mission as one finds them in the Bible. They are supplemented and enriched by others who bring mission perspectives to bear on the biblical text. Biblical as well as missiological research will only benefit if its representatives continue a conversation between the two areas.
Sprache: Englisch This study investigates and analyses the concept of disability among the Chagga community, a group that lives near the slopes of Kilimanjaro Mountain in the northern part of Tanzania. This work examines the beliefs, rituals, initiation ceremonies and other practices by the Chagga people that involve harming, degrading and excluding people with disabilities. According to the findings, these practices enforce inhuman behaviour towards people with disabilities. This present study offers suggestions for the Chagga community to renew their understanding of human beings and transform their exclusive community to an inclusive one. People in the Chagga community must understand that people are equal and that every individual is worthy and unique. Churches, mosques, government, and non-governmental organisations should act as tools for liberation.
Ian Randall has given us the most comprehensive overview of Baptist life in Europe since the classic study of J. H. Rusbrooke in 1923. Born amidst persecutions and struggle, the Baptist movement has grown over the centuries into a diverse but vibrant expression of the Christian faith. A story masterfully told by a superb historian." Timothy George (Founding Dean of Beeson Divinity School of Samford Universitiy in Birmingham, Alabama)"
I däm Buech gits neui Wiehnachtsgschichte u axtra churzi Samichlousegschichte. Si eigne sich prächtig zum Voorläse. D Samichlaus Land uf Land ab schätzes unerchannt, we si uf ihrem Cheer dörfe e Gschicht us ihrem Läbe verzeue.
... Jedoch erlebte ich, wie schwer es die Lektoren bei der Ausarbeitung der Gottesdienste haben, besonders der zweisprachigen ... Auch die Christen sollten ihren Beitrag leisten bei Verschwisterungen und Begegnungen im Rahmen der deutsch-französischen Freundschaft. Nicht nur Geselligkeit, kulinarische Erlebnisse und künstlerische Leckerbissen wirken verbindend. Wenn wir gemeinsam vor Gott stehen, werden alle Menschen zu Brüdern ..." (Paul Frantz in der Einleitung)"
Do you have any idea of what God?s feet look like? They overcome the most rugged mountain ranges and dense jungles, cross raging rivers or sun-baked plains of high kunai grass and they bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to the people in the remotest corners of the land. In the context of church work, this analogy refers to evan[1]gelists working in the Lutheran Church and is a true story from Papua New Guinea. This book is a gem, a treasure that embeds the storyof these courageous men and women and their families in the annals of the church. The solid compilation of historical facts, context, and interconnected history makes this book asource of information about the emergence of a church from the early days of missions. It also does not omit colonial history, which is as much a part of the church?s history as the present, decades after the declaration of independence on September 16, 1975.
This collection of articles offers only a glimpse of the variety of topics that arise around the conversation table of which Walter Sawatsky is part. He converses in the three languages used in this book and is comfortably at home in many countries and contexts in Europe, West and East, new and old.
In this paradigm-shattering book, businessman and entrepreneur of the year Robert Fraser writes to the 97 percent of Christians not called to full-time vocational ministry but called by God to the marketplace. In practical everyday language, Fraser shares insights from his experience running a 250-employee software company which experienced sustained revival and business success during his tenure as CEO.